Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Global TV reporter Victim Issues Pregnancy Mulan Jamilah

Jakarta news Mulan Jamela has given birth to her third child recently circulated. However, Global TV reporter want to cover the good news actually get violent.

Bos Mulan in the Republic of Love Management (RCM) Ahmad Dhani and its employees suspected of committing acts of violence, told the journalist. He also reported to the Jakarta Police on Monday (2/28/2011).

"What we do is a confirmation of the news Mulan (birth), we are not spies. So we do not act like a spy, it's not," said editor in chief of Global TV, Siane Indriyani the Press Council Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih , Central Jakarta, Wednesday (02/03/2011).

Recently, Mulan Jameela was related media highlighted the issue itself has spawned at Pondok Indah Hospital in South Jakarta. But the gossip was always denied by Dhani. According to him, Mulan deliberately withheld until his new album was released.

Some time ago a China Town community media containing photographs of the singer of 'Creature of God Most Sexy' was the middle of a gig region Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta. In the photographs, Mulan stomach looks bloated like I'm pregnant.

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