Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

China to tighten supervision of the Internet following the demo issue

China to tighten supervision of the Internet following the demo issue

The Chinese government does not want events in Tunisia and Egypt took place in China. Massive demo that happened in Tunisia and Egypt in order mengulingkan and managed to topple the regime leaders they can not be separated from the role of the internet and internet sites therein. This inspired many activists around the world including China.

Recently emerged invitation and slogans to hold demonstrations in China. One of the horrendous slogan is called "Jasmine Revolution '. But now the slogan is difficult to find again on the internet. Chinese sites such as the famous slogan Weibo and Baidu to block the grounds of government regulation.

Field thousands of police were deployed to oversee the centers of cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other big city. Reportedly more than 100 humanitarian and democracy activists were arrested or disappeared since the day last week.

Saturday Jintau President Hu said. Precautionary measures are taken to maintain security and stability in China.

Remind China Not To Join Its people march along

Remind China Not To Join Its people march along

Beijing - Action demo emerging in the Middle East. Therefore the Chinese government openly warned people not to follow the call to demonstrate. Reminded that any threat to stability in that country could bring disaster.

The warning was delivered by the government of China through the Beijing Daily newspaper, which became a spokesman for China's ruling party, the Communist Party.

"Everyone knows that stability is a blessing and chaos is a disaster," wrote the daily as reported by the Reuters news agency on Saturday (05/03/2011).

This is a warning the Chinese government most open to calls to hold a rally in the country that many sites spread through China. Call for a demo that has sparked a tightening of government censorship, increased security in Beijing and new restrictions for foreign journalists.

Previously, China always thwart police action plan demo that was held every weekend. In fact, reportedly, several foreign journalists who come to the location where the demonstration will be beaten.

Reminded that the actions of a demo that had overthrown the government in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are now threatening the regime, has been disastrous for their people.

"Unrest has brought great disaster to the people of those countries," wrote the newspaper in remarks column.

"Keep in mind that inside and outside the country there are people with ulterior motives who attempt to bring chaos to China. They have used the Internet to encourage illegal gatherings," the Beijing Daily.

"There's always people inside and outside the country who want to exploit the problems that exist in our development to provoke the problem," writes the media.

Through the Beijing Daily, the Chinese government also called on citizens to genuinely maintaining harmony and stability.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

540 Student Kidnapped in Libya

Tripoli - Forces loyal to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was reported kidnapped hundreds of students and a number of other Libyan nationals.

A total of 540 students were abducted from their dormitories in the town of Misrata. While a number of other Libyans were kidnapped from the town of al-Zawiya. It was said by reliable sources told Iran's Arabic-language media, Al-Alam and reported by Press TV on Wednesday (02/03/2011).

According to these sources, some anti-government protesters in Tripoli, capital of Libya, have also kidnapped a pro-Gaddafi's troops. Till now not known how the fate of the people who were kidnapped.

Human Rights organizations in Libya, Al-Raqib, renounce violence and human rights violations by the Libyan regime. Libya's human rights organization also urged the Gaddafi regime to stop the kidnapping of citizens.

More than a thousand people have been killed by violence perpetrated against the demonstrators Gaddafi's troops during the last two weeks.

Increasingly anti-government sentiment increased after the pro-Gaddafi's troops fired on demonstrators in Tripoli on Monday, February 28. Two anti-government demonstrators were killed in the incident. Clashes between demonstrators and troops mass pro-Gaddafi also occur in the City Misrata and al-Zawiya. At least two demonstrators were killed in these clashes Misrata.

Bahasa Indonesia :

Tripoli - Pasukan yang setia pada pemimpin Libya Muammar Khadafi diberitakan telah menculik ratusan mahasiswa dan sejumlah warga negara Libya lainnya.

Sebanyak 540 mahasiswa diculik dari asrama-asrama mereka di Kota Misrata. Sedangkan sejumlah warga Libya lainnya diculik dari Kota al-Zawiya. Demikian disampaikan sumber-sumber terpercaya kepada media Iran berbahasa Arab, Al-Alam dan dilansir Press TV, Rabu (2/3/2011).

Menurut sumber tersebut, beberapa demonstran antipemerintah di Tripoli, ibukota Libya, juga telah diculik pasukan pro-Khadafi. Hingga kini tidak diketahui bagaimana nasib orang-orang yang diculik itu.

Organisasi HAM di Libya, Al-Raqib, mengutuk kekerasan dan pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan rezim Libya. Organisasi HAM Libya itu juga mendesak rezim Khadafi untuk berhenti melakukan penculikan warga.

Lebih dari seribu orang telah tewas akibat kekerasan yang dilakukan pasukan Khadafi terhadap para demonstran selama dua pekan terakhir.

Sentimen antipemerintah kian meningkat setelah pasukan pro-Khadafi menembaki para demonstran di Tripoli pada Senin, 28 Februari. Dua demonstran antipemerintah tewas dalam insiden tersebut. Bentrokan antara massa demonstran dan pasukan pro-Khadafi juga terjadi di Kota Misrata dan al-Zawiya. Sedikitnya dua demonstran tewas di Misrata akibat bentrokan tersebut.

Picture (click to enlarge) :

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Global TV reporter Victim Issues Pregnancy Mulan Jamilah

Jakarta news Mulan Jamela has given birth to her third child recently circulated. However, Global TV reporter want to cover the good news actually get violent.

Bos Mulan in the Republic of Love Management (RCM) Ahmad Dhani and its employees suspected of committing acts of violence, told the journalist. He also reported to the Jakarta Police on Monday (2/28/2011).

"What we do is a confirmation of the news Mulan (birth), we are not spies. So we do not act like a spy, it's not," said editor in chief of Global TV, Siane Indriyani the Press Council Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih , Central Jakarta, Wednesday (02/03/2011).

Recently, Mulan Jameela was related media highlighted the issue itself has spawned at Pondok Indah Hospital in South Jakarta. But the gossip was always denied by Dhani. According to him, Mulan deliberately withheld until his new album was released.

Some time ago a China Town community media containing photographs of the singer of 'Creature of God Most Sexy' was the middle of a gig region Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta. In the photographs, Mulan stomach looks bloated like I'm pregnant.

Rumored Setia Ahmad Dhani Mulan Facilitate Hospital

Jakarta To date, not yet certain whether the true singer Mulan Jameela had given birth to her third child. However, it was rumored that the boss of the Republic of Love, Ahmad Dhani always accompany his men during in hospital.

Reportedly, Mulan make deliveries in Pondok Indah Hospital in South Jakarta. According to sources detikhot, Dhani almost every day visiting the hospital.

"Every time I would call him (Dhani) in RSPI say again," said the source.

Earlier, journalists had to find out the existence of Mulan in RSPI. However, the singer denied RSPI 'Sexiest creatures of God' was being treated there.

Meanwhile, according to other sources, Mulan RSPI delivery on the 3rd floor. But because the media smells worried, he asked to move room to the floor 5. Mulan room was very exclusive and not accessible by anyone.

Indosat BlackBerry Community

Jakarta - Celebrating the 3rd anniversary in 2011, Indosat BlackBerry Community or better known by the name of [ISAT-bb] celebrate by holding a gathering at Club O1 fX Mall Jakarta.

The community of more than 5000 members, the use of gatherings to meet face with fellow members, which so far they only met on the mailing list, for sharing, share knowledge and exchange information about everything related to the BlackBerry and Indosat.

Laszlo Barta, Director and Chief Commercial Officer PT. Indosat, Tbk who attended the event said "proud Indosat Indosat BlackBerry user community is very powerful and had a very close family.'s love of their products - products that make our Indosatlah keep moving forward like this, where we can grow together, as community the forefront of customers who always give feedback we need, input from customers in a friendly family atmosphere. "

Indosat is very concerned about his Blackberry customer community, which is realized with the release of a special application that runs on the BlackBerry smartphone handsets which allows you to accommodate complaints and input from the community to Indosat service.

"Indosat is committed to continuously improving service value for customers, with the application, the process of interaction with customers to more easily and quickly, because we want to always be the operator of customer choice, " said Laszlo Barta

To register as a member of this mailing list is very easy, just click or send an email to

"We of the community [ISAT-bb], very proud to continue to exist with members. Passing through the 3rd year, we continue to grow stronger and become larger. All forms of enthusiastic member of the BlackBerry and Indosat are the foundation of our strength, let alone always supported by innovation - innovation by Indosat, move on mailing list [ISAT-bb] ", said Joegianto, founder and one of the moderators mailing list [ISAT-bb]. (adv / adv)

Wow, Neotebook Can be operated with the Eye

Hannover - No need to help the mouse, a laptop is now just controlled by the eye. Yes, a prototype made by Lenovo laptop with technology companies eye tracking, Tobii, allowing the laptop is controlled by the human eye.

Sophistication exhibited at the CeBit technology fair held in Germany. With eye movements, the user can operate the various menus on the computer.

Such as, simply by mengerlingkan eye to a particular icon, then this icon will open and display the information desired. By doing gaze, an image can also zoom. Sophisticated is not it?

Recognize the laptop with the help of an infrared eye movement, then a hidden camera to detect the behavior of the retina. Tobii hope that they develop this technology can be widely enjoyed in the future.

"The prototype of this laptop proves that the eye-tracking technology is mature enough to be used in standard computer interface," said Henrik Eskilsson, CEO of Tobii as reported by Cnet and quoted on Wednesday (03/02/2011).

It was terbesit doubt whether the laptop is accurately recognize the movement of the eye. But the trial of several media technologies including Engadget, concluded that this technology works quite well. The system can detect eye movements accurately. (fyk / ash)

Title 'Knights' Steve Jobs Cancelled British PM

Jakarta - The ability to lead Apple's Steve Jobs and spawned sophisticated gadgets are undeniable. Top reliability that, Jobs even almost gets his 'Knights' from the British empire in the year 2009.

But unfortunately, the plan was not realized alias failed. Well, the cause was fairly is something strange, namely on the intervention of British Prime Minister at the time, Gordon Brown.

Yes, quite strange indeed. But it expressed a former member of parliament from the Labor Party, as quoted from the Telegraph, Tuesday (02/03/2011).

The unnamed source that said, the cancellation of an honorary degree for Steve Jobs is due to Apple boss has refused an invitation to give a speech in the Labour Party conference, which is where Gordon Brown's party heads.

No mention what the reason for rejection Jobs. But the source stressed that it is this which dispelled the title 'Knight' for Jobs in the final seconds.

In fact at that time, Apple is considered a successful global IT company to create a revolution in the arena of the gadget world through its products. "No CEO of Jobs as consistent in its commitment,"said the source.
(ash / fyk)

Up Can Boost Confidence

Jakarta - A study at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States (U.S.), find the conclusion that taking a little time to access up can improve self-confidence, aka confident users.

Yes, while other studies highlight the problem up the negative side, especially the effects on student academic achievement, the study team of Cornell researchers find a good impact of the social networking site.

Quoted from Tom's Guide sites on Wednesday (03/02/2011), in his study, the research team involving 63 students. They were not informed about this study and each student in turn was left alone in a computer lab.

They were given different computers, including computers that deliberately turned off, with an additional mirror in front of them, some are turned on by the participants open up the page.

Each student is placed on their own a good computer is turned off, or activated with the page open for students. In addition, some students were given a computer that is turned off with a mirror on the screen.

After several minutes of accessing up, then looked at themselves in the mirror or looking at a dead computer screen, these students were given questionnaires designed to measure the level of their confidence.

As a result, found that participants who access up to provide more positive feedback about themselves than participants who did not access Facebook. This study also detected an increase in self-confidence is stronger if the participants to edit profile or change the profile picture up.

"Unlike glass, which remind ourselves we really are and maybe just give a negative effect on a person's confidence if what he saw was not as expected. While Facebook could show positive versions of ourselves,"said Jeffrey Hancock, who led the study.

He asserted, drawing on up is not a form of self deception, but one of the positives that exist in a person. Well, you agree with this opinion?
(RNS / ash)

Kaspersky stretcher Multi Platform Security Solution

Jakarta - Not only offers a consumer-class antivirus, Kaspersky antivirus software producers Russian origin carrying the multi-platform security solution. The product line named Kaspersky Open Source Security (KOSS) is claimed to be ready to protect IT business.

"Diversity's new multi-platform security solution is designed specifically to meet the needs of anti-malware protection for companies of all sizes and complexities," said Gun Suk Ling, Corporate Sales Director for Kaspersky Lab, APAC.

Located at the Inter Continental Hotel on Wednesday (02/03/2011), Suk Ling added that KOSS protect every workstation, laptops, file servers, mail servers, Internet gateways, to smartphones.

Added by Jimmy Fong, as the Channel Sales Director for Southeast Asia Kaspersky Lab, a new KOSS is designed to give full control to the needs of the company. Even with remote access through laptops and smartphones.

Jimmy also stressed that cyber criminals now know how the company adopt new technology. As a result, they also use all means to infiltrate business networks.

Well, here is the latest KOSS range that supports the platform adopted by the company:

- KOSS release 1 for Endpoint Security: Endpoint Security includes Kaspersky 8 for Mac, Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Linux and Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for smartphones.
- KOSS release 2 for file server security: including Kaspersky AV 8.0 for Windows Server EE and Kaspersky AV 8.0 for Linux File Server.
- KOSS release 3 for Mail Security: include Kaspersky Security 8.0 for Microsoft Exchange and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8.0 for Lotus Notes.
- KOSS release 4 includes Kaspersky AV 8:0 for Microsoft ISA / TMG.
(fw / ash)